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Masters degree in history at the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve; Bachelors degree in history at the Facultés universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix in Namur Project manager at the War Heritage Institute 2022-. Contributor to the Tank Museum & Museum Dynasticum magazine 2023 Curator at the Local History Museum in Wépion and tutor 2018-2022 Guide at the Fort of Saint-Héribert, 2019 Collaborator at CegeSoma for the project Belgium WWII, 2017 History researcher for a documentary on "la verrerie wallonne" with Xavier Istasse, 2017 Educational assistant at the African Museum in Namur, 2016 Internship at the Citadelle of Namur in historical mediation, 2016


Août 1914 : les batailles de Charleroi et de Mons, analyse comparative de deux épisodes clés de la Bataille des Frontières

Tipo: Investigación



Conferencia: Seminario Internacional Primera Guerra Mundial /Profesor Ben Schraverus "Mons et Charleroi : étude comparative de deux affronte

Tipo: Investigación
